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Jevon 3 edit

My Story

After I got out of the military I got into filmmaking but I struggled to understand how marketing works and how to apply it for myself. I also noticed so many entrepreneurs struggle with marketing, making moves and strategies that don't move them towards their goals just like I was.

So I decided to become a master of the marketing game so that I could help numerous brilliant entrepreneurs who want to change the world in a positive way to do just that. Taking any business from where they are and "ascending" them up to where they want to be, regardless of what industry they are in. The fundamentals never change, only how they are applied changes from industry to industry   

My Vision

I am striving to be a beckon of hope and I am determined to become a contributor to major shifts that advance humanity forward on a global scale 

Back view of businesswoman working with modern virtual technologies

My Mission

My mission is to amplify the impact of the entrepreneurs who are looking to use their business as a way to make positive change in the world. Making their impact 100X greater than it would've been without me.

Mission - Business Concept. Golden Compass Needle on a Black Field Pointing to the Word Mission.

My Values & Principles

  • Trust & Integrity. I focus on demonstrating to my clients that I always have their best interests at heart. The foundation of our relationship is based on trust. I always think, speak, and act for what is right. 
  • Excellence. I am committed to constant learning and improvement. I strive to set a high standard and an exceptional experience for everyone. 
  • Courage. I think and act, big and bold. I will challenge our limits by taking calculated risks, pushing the boundaries, and learning from our failures to achieve the extraordinary.     
  • Teamwork & Collaboration. I make an effort to understand every individual and what matters to them, recognizing their value and contributions to the team. We will work together as one team, respect each other, draw from our differences, and share ideas and knowledge.  
  • Open & Honest Communication. I have the candor to tell it how it is without sugarcoating anything. I always remain open to the possibility that our perspectives and beliefs could be wrong. 
  • Clients First. I always do what’s best for our clients without any exceptions. I prioritize my efforts based on what my clients need, and in the order that they need them. 
  • Growth Culture. I strive to create an environment where our people can work at their natural best. I want people to feel protected so that they can take calculated risks without having to look over their shoulders and worry about negative consequences.  
  • Performance & Results Driven. I am obsessed with my client’s success and am committed to getting the job done, turning decisions into actions, and delivering results.
  • Fun. I believe that it’s important to have fun in the company culture. I strive to build a strong growth culture that doesn’t drain the life from people who choose to work with us